i lov to doodles everyday..sketches..drawing..lov 2 spent most of my time in front of computer..some says that i am an art geek..but i don't think so..bcoz i am not geek enough..Y i like to doodle?
Doodle is easy to draw,less time,cute &fast,catchy,less concentration,colorful,fun..I really dont hv to think..i just let my right-hand do her job and go with the art pen's flow gracefully:)
Tadaaa..ni lah item yg aie wat sehari..puas duk pk nk bg ape kt k.sha..hehe..last2 dpt idea..ni kira mcm masterpiece la yg aie bg kt k.sha ni..sbb b4 ni aie just siapkn illustration je..then skrg ni da turn ke felt...so..ni lah hasilnye....haa...korg nk ke item ni?kalo nk tggu aie uplod readymade item nye ye..sume nye dlm proses lgi..blum siap jaet lgi..bru siap2 ptong..:) ...nant kalo dh siap readymade item ni....aie upload dlm FB or blog ni ye...
oh..b4 tlupa...Cekadak comei ni namenye LILOID...hihi..
ni haa....idea dtg terus amik brush dlm Ai..trus je menconteng2...haa..igtkn nk jadikan sketches ni jadi handmade felt nant....so...kne la tggu bile dh siap jaet nant ye :)
oh......sy sgt blur hari ni...bukak pc duk bmain2 dgn Ai. ni lah hasil 10mnit duk doodling..uaargghh..kadang kala bile otak kite dh tepu..die akn stop thinking skejap..uwaaa...give me back my spirit...